Health and Wellbeing

Journaling For Busy Business Mums: A Guide To Boost Productivity And Wellbeing

Journaling is a great habit for us busy mompreneurs.

As a work-at-home business owner myself, running my own professional web design business has been incredibly rewarding. Of course, it also has its challenges – especially as a busy wife and mum.

Even though I am an avid planner and list maker, I have never been one to write down my thoughts or feelings. I am also a keen reader and researcher. And over time, I have learned about a powerful tool that I hadn’t been using! It helps manage stress, enhance productivity, and focus on personal growth. This tool is journaling.

Here are practical tips to get started and journaling prompts for busy business mums.


But First, What is Journaling?

Journaling is not a list

A list looks forward as I plan my day, my week – or even my year! (I’ll be there for you… are you singing it in your head like I am?)

Journaling is not a diary

A diary is a more factual record of events that have happened in chronological order.

A journal is reflective

It contains thoughts, feelings, emotions – it brings the inside out. It has very little structure and encourages free-flowing thoughts and ideas. Journals can include drawings, doodles and images. It is a safe place to expose my inner being.

journaling using pen and paper is best


Top 6 Benefits of Journaling for Busy Mums

Benefit #1: Journaling is affordable

I started to journal with a piece of paper and a pen. It’s as simple and cheap as that. Sure, you can get the fancy notebook and pens, but if you are starting and asking yourself “Is journaling for me?” it is very easy and affordable to start.

Benefit #2: Journaling is easy

There is no right or wrong way to journal. Just get started. I made it my own. Write a sentence a day or three pages a day. Journal in a place that makes sense for you and fits into your daily routine. There are no rules. Make it work for you.

Benefit #3: Get to understand your emotions

Keeping ‘thoughts, feelings and emotions” bottled up inside isn’t good for me!

Journaling helps get those things out there. I write and reread my journal entries. This gives me a fresh perspective on my emotions and how I react.

Lifeline Australia has a wonderful resource about Journaling your thoughts and feelings. It includes some questions you can use for journaling prompts.

Benefit #4: Manage Stress

I write down what’s troubling me and it helps me pinpoint what causes my stress. When I write things down it can make worries seem smaller. It encourages me to think positively. It helps to explain my anxiety and sift out real or imagined problems.

Another great example of this is Melinda’s article “7 Steps To Getting Out from Overwhelm’. She suggests “…get everything out of your head and onto paper”.

Benefit #5: Journaling boosts productivity

When I have a better grasp of my thoughts and why I’m overwhelmed, it can help me to focus on what is important.

It helps me park them in a ‘safe place’ (my journal!), focus on what is important and get clarity on the next steps to take.

Benefit #6: Enhance Creativity and Problem-Solving

Sometimes I write anything and everything that pops into my head. It is very effective to use a prompt to help brainstorm ideas.

Nothing is stupid, unachievable or wrong. If I have a problem to solve, I journal to make sure that I am not limiting myself. I picture fresh and unique ideas and inspiration flows.


How to Journal

Step #1: Get a notebook and pen

While you could ‘type’ or ‘tap’ your journal, physical writing gets better results.

Any notebook and pen will work – but make it something you look forward to. Get something pretty to work with if it will encourage your journaling habit.

Make it an enjoyable experience you look forward to each day.

Step #2: Decide when you will journal

Depending on your home and work routine, pick a time when you can focus on yourself and your thoughts.

Pick a time when you can make it a daily habit. Unless

you have all the time in the world – decide how much time you can set aside for journaling. Some people journal in the morning – others at night or other times of the day. I like to journal in the morning as it sets up my day well.

Step #3: Find a comfortable place

Is there somewhere you can think and write without interruption? Is it the car after school drop-off? Is it at home after you have put on a load of washing? Or a cozy corner in your favourite coffee shop?

Step# 4: Get writing!

There is nothing worse than staring at a blank sheet of paper. Start with the same prompt every day to get you going. Here are some suggestions for a starter prompt for our journal.

  • How do I feel today?
  • What am I looking forward to today?
  • What was the best part of my day?

Then ask yourself “Why”. I have included some of my favourite journaling prompts at the end of this article.

Step #5: Set a journaling goal

I hope I haven’t lost you here! This is not a complicated “SMART” goal 😊

But seriously, there is a reason you are here – reading this now. What do you hope that journaling will do for you? This may change over time.

At the start, it may be to find out if journaling is for you. Then you may want to work to maintain your focus for each day and start each day with intent.

Keep in mind an important question or aspect you’d like to focus on for the week or reflect on for the month. Check in with yourself at the end of each week.



Journaling Tips for Busy Mums

  • Start small and be consistent
  • Set realistic expectations about what is achievable
  • Decide where and when you will journal each day
  • Link journaling to existing habits (e.g., morning coffee, bedtime routine)
  • Set a reminder on your phone – then put it away
  • Make some changes if things could work better
  • Celebrate breakthroughs


Overcoming Common Journaling Challenges

No time?

 Use a quick journaling technique like a one-sentence journal or five-minute reflection. Learn more about effective time management strategies. Jeanie shares her 3 steps to effective time management.

Writer’s Block?

Use journaling prompts and questions. Reflect on your feelings in the moment. Unclutter your mind of a jumble of thoughts. Write down your unanswered questions.

Worried about privacy?

While it may be tempting to use an electronic device to journal, it is proven to be better to write. Keep your journal secure, or if you are concerned take a photo and/or destroy the page.


My favourite journaling prompts as a busy mum

Morning Journal prompts

  • What am I grateful for?
  • Who has inspired me lately and why?
  • What am I dreading today and why? What can I do about that?

Evening Journal prompts

  • What did I learn today?
  • What three emotions did I feel today?
  • How do I rate my well-being on a scale of one to ten, and what can I do to improve it tomorrow?

Feeling stuck? Visit 20 interesting journaling prompts and 550+ Journal Prompts: The Ultimate List to inspire your writing.

journaling places to journal at home


Is it time to start your journaling journey?

The clarity that comes with journaling is refreshing for work-at-home mums! Include it in your daily routine to help manage stress and be more productive. I love supporting other mums in business. I hope you found these tips an easy way to start your journaling journey today.

Tracey Harrison

Tracey Harrison is a wife and mum of two girls in the leafy western suburbs of Brisbane. She uses her passion for people, processes and technology to help local businesses shine in a crowded online marketplace. Her personalised approach to website design ensures the perfect outcome for each unique business she works with.