Health and Wellbeing

How Often Should You Vacuum When You Work From Home.. Arrrgggghhhh!

Even though vacuuming sucks 😊 Its way more important than you think if you work from home. Heres why…


Working from home can be a challenge, particularly when you’re juggling work commitments, childcare, and household chores. How often should you vacuum is a question that is often asked by stressed work from home parents who are struggling to deal with everything. However, there are many benefits of vacuuming that will help improve your productivity and mental health.

After the Covid pandemic, one in four Americans are expected to continue working from home. While this flexibility can be great to achieve a better work life balance, it can create more work for busy parents. You may find that you have more food prep, dishes, and cleaning to do. So, here we’ll explore how often you should vacuum and some tips to help you maintain a clean home while you’re busy working.


Top 4 Benefits of Vacuuming for a Mom Working from Home

While everyone enjoys a clean home, there are some specific benefits of vacuuming when you’re working from home that highlight the importance of how often you should vacuum.benefits of vacuum cleaner


Benefit #1 – Improving Your Homes Aesthetics for Zoom Calls

When you’re working from home, you may need to take Zoom calls or other types of video conferencing. So, you don’t want your colleagues or boss to see a cookie your child dropped or dirt your dog tracked onto the carpet during your call. Vacuuming regularly will ensure that your home looks its best regardless of whether you’re having visitors in person or not.


Benefit #2 – The Health Benefits of Vacuuming When Working from Home

Carpeting and furnishings can trap allergens including dust, dust mites and pet hair that can trigger allergies. Even if you don’t have allergies, you’re likely to experience sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and other annoying effects. Vacuuming will Remove Allergens from Carpet and improve the air quality in your home, which can ease headaches and alleviate feelings of fatigue.


Benefit #3 – Improving your Mental Health When Working from Home

It is very difficult to stay positive when you’re sitting in a home that doesn’t feel fresh and clean. This is particularly important if you’re feeling pressure to get your work done by a deadline.


Benefit #4 – When Working from Home a Clean House can Increase Productivity

A clean home can also help you to focus and increase your productivity. When our home and in particular our home office is kept clean it reduces any distractions allowing us to focus on our current tasks. We all feel positive and more motivated when our Home Office is setup with the right furniture and kept clean.



How Often Should You Vacuum Your Different Types of Floors?

How often you should vacuum will depend on your home and flooring. Below we cover the different types of floors and how often they should be vacuumed to keep your house clean and tidy.


Vacuuming Hard Floors

Unless you tend to bring in lots of sand or dust into your home, hard flooring typically only needs vacuuming once a week. This will allow you to lift any surface dust and suck up any particles that have worked into the cracks between the boards.


How Frequently Should Carpet Covered Floors be Vacuumed?

If you have carpeting in high traffic areas of your home, it will need to be vacuumed frequently. This means that you may need to vacuum every day or every other day. Areas that have light traffic flow will need less frequent vacuuming, but you will still need to go over the area twice per week.

However, don’t think that a quick pass with your vacuum cleaner will do the job. You should pass the vacuum over the surface in different directions to lift the carpeting pile and bring dirt up from the base of the fibers.


Pet Owners Should Vacuum their FloorsWhen Pet Owners Should Vacuum their Floors

If you have pets, you will need to consider your furry friends when assessing your vacuuming habits. Pets shed hair and can drop dirt from their paws every time they come in from outdoors.

Regardless of what flooring you have in your home, if you have pets you will need to vacuum frequently. In areas where your pets have access, you should vacuum every day, in addition to cleaning up any accidents immediately.


4 Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean as a WAHM

When you’re busy with work and family, it can be challenging to fit vacuuming into your schedule. While you may appreciate the benefits of vacuuming, you may feel overwhelmed about keeping your home clean. Fortunately, there are some tips to help you.


Tip #1 Work Out Your High and Low Traffic Areas

The prospect of vacuuming your whole home can seem a mammoth task, but different areas of your home will need different levels of care. So, take a few minutes to consider the flow of your rooms and which areas need to be more frequently vacuumed.

High traffic areas such as family rooms or areas where your children eat and play, will accumulate more debris and need more frequent cleaning. However, if you have rooms that you use infrequently, you can ignore them in your daily cleaning routine.


Tip #2 Create a Schedule to Maintain a Work Life Balance

Just like with your work, you can keep your home organized and tidy by scheduling the cleaning. There is nothing worse than finding yourself with some free time to clean, but your kids are taking a nap. So, think about the best times in your daily schedule that you have available to clean.


Tip #3 Consider Power Cleaning when you have that spare 10 Minutes

This point follows on from the last, but instead of thinking about your vacuuming and other cleaning tasks as one big chore, consider power cleaning sessions. These are 10-to-15-minute sessions when you can concentrate on cleaning with no distractions. You can even involve your children, giving them little tasks, such as picking up toys, while you concentrate on vacuuming.


Benefits of VacuumingTip #4 Invest in a Robotic Vacuum to work while you are doing other tasks

Investing in a robotic vacuum is a great idea, particularly when you’re working from home. You can program your robotic vac to clean specific areas of your home or cover the entire floor. However, many models also allow you to block some rooms, so you won’t need to worry about the vac interrupting a Zoom work call.

Of course, not all robotic vacuum models perform the same, but even if it can just cover the high traffic areas, it means that you won’t need to get your full size vacuum out every day. Just be sure to set an alert, so your robot vac gets recharged and emptied, so it can keep operating.

Do the Benefits of Vacuuming as a Work from Home Mom Stack Up?

As a work from home mom, we are constantly confronted with different issues when it comes to keeping our houses clean and tidy. So, hopefully the tips and tricks we shared in this guide will give you a clearer idea around the benefits of vacuuming.

When you’re stressed and trying to keep on top of everything, maintaining a work-life balance is important so that you remain productive AND healthy. So, knowing something as simple as how often should you vacuum your house, is actually quite beneficial. Not just for your work, but for your family too.

So, use the tips in this guide to help keep your floors clean and free of allergens, and help balance out your life 😊

Maria Millando

Hi! I’m Maria Millando. I’m a work from home mum, and the creator of Vacuums Advisor. As a busy WAHM, time to spend with my family is important, so the quicker my housework can be done the better. I help other mums find a vacuum cleaner that fits their home and lifestyle, including vacuums for allergies and pet hair. My aim is to create a safe place where all questions can be answered when it comes to comparing different vacuum cleaners.