On Sex, Home Business, Keywords and SEO
Updated Aug 2021
Boost Your Website’s SEO With All-Natural Keywords
So what is it with my title “Sex, Home Business, Keywords and SEO” that draws so much attention? When you break it down, this is a title that is all about KEYWORDS and the power of all natural Keywords to drive traffic to your home internet business.
It’s such an important concept when you are setting up an online home business that I have decided to do a deep dive article for you to explain the power of all natural keywords and how they work to improve your SEO (search engine optimization) and how and why they can help drive new traffic and customers to your website. Which of course, helps you make more money working from home!
Make More Money From Home By Driving More Traffic To Your Website
Driving traffic to your website is no easy feat. And yet, it seems like a lot of companies and individuals are getting new visits and views every day to their websites. This seamless flow of new traffic might look effortless, but in truth, it requires a lot of work. You have the potential to earn unlimited revenue when you boost your website’s SEO with all-natural keywords!
Google’s algorithmic search ranking system is constantly changing, improving, and rewriting itself. This can make it frustrating when it comes to finding effective keywords and useful strategies for keeping your website relevant and ranking highly. Learn the secrets of Google’s game and you’ll be in the running for that top search result spot.
The New Way To Get Keywords And Higher Search Rankings…
Things have changed online over the last decade since I started writing this blog for Super WAHM’s. In the “Old Days” you could simply write an article and literally overload it with every keyword related to your topic and it would rank highly in Google.
These days this is a big no-no! Google now looks for high quality content that is relevant and useful to your readers and a big part of this is Google “knows” to look for All-Natural Keywords – not the old spammy keyword overloaded articles. Which means all the writers who write ‘articles’ (I’m using the term loosely there) stuffed to the gills with keywords will find their home internet business no longer rank in Google. They’re going to have to start writing proper articles, filled with useful content, and only a few keywords used in an appropriate context within the article.
Here’s the disclaimer: I’m no SEO expert. I only recently realised that I had to enter details in to my SEO WordPress plugin. I’m also no expert, if there is such a thing, on how Google ranks sites, or even how search engines find and display information. I’ve done some research on it, done a lot of reading, and I have learnt a lot off Liz Raad about how to make money from a website.
Here’s What I Have Learnt About SEO and Keywords…
I have been told that having keywords in your title, in <h1> tags, helps because it tells the search engines give those words priority. I’ve also been told that having the words ‘Sex’ and ‘Home Business’ also tend to rank well (this article has both sex and home business in the title deliberately) and they attract a lot of traffic to your site.
However, if someone is coming to my site because they searched on the word ‘sex’ then they’re unlikely to be interested in the business information available here. Finding the site through ‘home business’ would help them certainly. I’m not too sure that I’m the right person to help them if they searched on ‘sex home business’ though! I’ve also had a lot of searches for “make money online quickly” which is obviously a highly searched for keyword term, however I’m pretty sure those people are disappointed as well. 😉
For those of us who aren’t experts in SEO and are uncertain of how Google works (does anyone really know?) the best way to optimize your site with keywords and for SEO is simply to write quality content. People will find you, other sites will link to you, your site url will be passed around as a go-to quality site that is worth the time to read.
Search engines are machines and websites aren’t read by machines – they’re read by people. You need to write for people and not for search engines. Good quality content, with enough keywords that fit organically within the context of the article will ultimately do more for your SEO and rankings than stuffing an article so full of keywords that it’s unreadable nonsense. And in the process you’ll attract the customers that you want to bring to your home internet business, who will in turn bring others.
So lets get into that deep dive on making money online with Google through the smart use of All-Natural Keywords…
Organic Keywords? SEO? What is That?
An organic keyword is simply any word that people type into the Google search bar that can make your website show up as a first result. Organic keywords and quality content are the lifeblood of your website and the secret to earning more money from your hard work.
For example, if you run a pizza restaurant, you will likely pop up first on search results when people type the following keywords and phrases into Google:
- Pizza near me
- Pizza restaurant open now
- Best pizza place in Perth
- Order pizza for delivery now
- Pizza delivery Perth
By contrast, there is another type of keyword: PPC keywords. PPC, also known as pay-per-click, describes sponsored keywords that companies will pay money to have as relevant keywords on Google. Through paid search marketing campaigns, you can pay to drive traffic to your site and Google will earn revenue for it.
This makes things difficult when it comes to pushing organic keywords. But it is completely possible to capture new traffic on your own just by using the right set of words.
How to Research Natural Keywords and SEO Strategies
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the concept of adding natural keywords to your website, don’t worry – you are not alone! With Google changing its system so frequently, it can be hard to catch up on your own. There is an easy way to do organic keyword research so you can ensure that your site stays relevant.
The golden rule is that a good keyword will connect the questions users are asking with relevant answers.
Research organic keywords for free using these tools:
- Keyword Planner by Google AdWords
- A free trial of Moz’s Keyword Explorer
- Free Keyword Tool by WordStream
These free tools are just the tip of the iceberg. Soon, you will be on a journey of discovering ever-changing keywords and finding out what is relevant and what isn’t. You can invest in these strategies to figure out what natural keywords and SEO search terms are being used in your local area.
The Secret to Boosting Your SEO Now
Now that you understand a little more about all-natural keywords and organic search terms, you can start to apply that knowledge to your site. There are many ways to associate important keywords with your website and boost traffic ASAP. We’ve listed our top 5 favourite methods to increase organic traffic through natural SEO!
1. Start a Blog
You don’t have to be an excellent writer to start a blog. In fact, you don’t even have to write them yourself. But it is essential that your website includes a blog, no matter what kind of business you are or what you’re selling. This is the perfect space for you to insert relevant keywords and keep your site up-to-date every time Google refreshes its code.
According to Hubspot, “Blogging helps boost SEO quality by positioning your website as a relevant answer to your customers’ questions”. A blog will help you curate personalised content that your users will appreciate. Make sure to center your content around your WAHM niche, providing relevant information on relevant topics that your customers may want to know.
Your blogs do not have to be literary masterpieces, but they also should not be spammy or poorly written. You can pay for cheap content but remember that you get as much as you put into it.
2. Keep it Consistent
Publishing a blog is one way to drive traffic to your site, but it only works if you continue to update it. The best way to remain relevant on Google’s search engine is to continuously publish articles to your blog, preferably on a consistent and scheduled basis. Don’t forget to include guest posts by people who may be an authoritative source in your niche or industry.
Just don’t sacrifice speed for quality. You still want your articles to be good and related to popular topics and organic keywords. The more high-quality content you have on your blog and your site, the easier it will be for you to remain at the top of the search engine for longer and longer periods of time.
3. Get on Social Media!
If your company or brand isn’t already on popular social media platforms, you need to remedy this ASAP! You cannot underestimate the power of social media, especially when it comes to generating organic keywords and quality content. There is no faster way to spread the word of your company and get new followers and traffic than through social media.
Make a company profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok. On these platforms, you can form important connections and interact with your consumers in real-time. Being able to speak with your customers directly is a very powerful thing and something that will not go unnoticed by the masses.
The more you take time to communicate with your community, the easier time you will have earning new traffic and revenue!
4. Use Internal Links
No blog is complete without some internal links. Internal links can help users navigate to other, more relevant parts of your website. This keeps visitors staying on your page for longer periods of time, boosting search rankings and giving you the potential to earn more money.
A perfect way to use an internal link is in your blog post. A pizza restaurant owner who writes a blog about their new crust ingredients may want to add a link to their updated menu or service hours. This doesn’t just boost the quality of your blog, but of your entire website as you build substantial backlogs of content.
Just be sure not to use too many internal links, as it can start to look like spam and it will lose its relevancy.
5. Use External Links and Incoming Links
External links, and incoming links, are just the opposite of internal links – they are from other websites! You can supplement the quality and authority of your blog by adding links to other relevant sources and tools. Your website will rank more highly because of it as Google will see you as a bigger authority source.
Additionally, you want to get people to link to your site. Find out what other blogs and websites are relevant in your niche and ask them if they would link to your site on their blogs. This is mutually beneficial as you can link to them as well, boosting both of your websites as relevant sources in your community.
Google responds very highly to websites with external and incoming links, and so this method is recommended for the success of your site.
Find Success with Natural Keywords and SEO Today!
It is easy to start taking advantage of the best natural keywords for your site. With a little bit of research into what’s relevant and a few well-written blog posts, Google engines will soon pick up on your website as an authoritative source. There is no better way to increase organic keywords and quality content than by publishing a blog, interacting with customers on social media, and providing links to trusted sources within your industry.
With any luck, your website’s ratings will start to soar. Remember to stay consistent and never stop researching the best organic all-natural keywords for your home internet business. Use these strategies and your website is sure to end up on top!
For now, I’m going to be watching my Super WAHM traffic stats with interest to see how well the keyword stuffing in the title draws traffic and from where. Popcorn anyone?

Melinda is the founder of SuperWAHM.com and started this site to share her best work from home ideas to help other Work At Home Mums become more financially independent and able to spend time with their families.
@ Anni, LOL! I have to agree, very nice eye candy. Did I mention it’s a picture of my husband? 😉
(ok, it’s not really…)
I’m just here for the photo 🙂
I definitely agree that writing for people is the only thing that works in the long term.
The keywords should just be there in context and as micro-content – eg. a good title can quickly tell people and search engines what your content is about.
Pictures are great to sum up content quickly too (did I tell you how much I like that pic Melinda?? 😉 )
LOL Yes!
Also from an SEO perspective using bold (or italic or underline) for the same word over and over is considered to be search engine spam. One bold, one italic and one underline is probably more than enough.
What I meant was, off to read Marc’ intro now. Looking forward to the series.
And yes, of course I agree bold should be used sparingly. Just imagine how unpleasant it would be to read if folks thought everything they wrote was important!
Then you’re basically back to not helping people enjoy your work. 😉 Not good, that.
Until later,
Some good points there Kelly.
Re: use of bold. There is some evidence that bold, italic and underline can be used to emphasise words for the search engines but *use sparingly*, particularly underlines as they can be confused with hyperlinks.
From Men With Pens. Now you don’t have to dig through your analytics for at least one reader. I’m a sucker for a good sex and business post… which this wasn’t… which I expected. I could see tongue planted firmly in cheek from over there. 🙂
I’m quite used to gently adding my targeted keywords, a little at a time, over the months and years, but it’s natural for folks to want an SEO magic bullet. For one thing, “over the months and years” sounds a lot like work.
The trouble as you point out, is that a magic bullet for machines would just kill readership. I would be happy if Google and others would finally figure out a way to reward naturally targeted work, and not keyword-stuffing, but that does sound like an awfully tall order.
Oh, and to add just a bit to the h1 thought: other tags like h2 and even bolds also help search engines decide you meant those words to be more important to SEO. The funny thing is, they also break up your copy nicely and help readers to move through a post, so sometimes writing for the search engines IS good for readers.
Off to read Marc’s series now!
P.S. Thanks for a guy with at least a bit of hair on him. LOL.
@ Linda, I hadn’t thought of seeing where I ranked on google! When I looked I was #4. That’s funny!
@ Marc, I was wondering who was going to make the first comment about the guy. Keyword stuffing to write nonsense posts is thankfully on the way out and we’re starting to see people being sensible about keywords.
@ Alex, yes, it can be hard to incorporate the keywords that you want people to find you with, and have it read naturally. I tend to have an idea what keywords to use in an article, but I’m not concerned about putting them into every sentence. I trust that the right people will find me when they need me. (Ok, I can hear every marketer screaming in horror at that comment)
@ John, greap point and thanks for posting it. Yes, categories are very important places for keywords, as are titles.
@ David, *coughs* you’ll need to ask your wife about the sex. That’s the best suggestion I have for you. Seriously. 😉
@ Sally, definatly! Content is king, long live content! Getting people to your site is relatively easy – keeping them there and having them come back for more is a whole ‘nother story.
It will be interesting to see how your search engine results with the article. If you google “sex home business” right now you are #3. Impressive I guess.
LOL David beat me to the comment about the photo. Damn you Wright! Don’t you have a little pony to comb?
You’ve hit the nail pretty much on the head Mel. Even Google’s engineers are trying to make their machine behave more like a human. I hear they’re looking to change their name to Skynet.
No seriously, you’re absolutely right. At the end of the day it’s about creating content that’s worth linking to.
I’ve just recently started thinking about writing to keywords although I’ve always been careful to repeat my key messages in almost all of my posts. However, the search terms people use to come to the site actually have little to do with the content (hence the change in what words I use in my writing).
It’s also important to have descriptive titles of blog posts and web pages that include your keywords. And also look at titles of blog categories. I’ve shown up page one for certain keywords that were only in the name of a blog category.
Okay, where’s the sex? I came here looking for sex and I see a pic of some dude’s face Photoshopped onto my body?
Good post. Though I know a bit about SEO (Sean knows more) I hardly utilize it. I just focus on writing stuff to make people laugh, think or throw their computer out the window.
Content is king.
Getting people to your site is only the first part of the process – you need engaging, quality content to take the visit to the next level.
Nice post 🙂